Spot News
From the 7th to the 9th of January 2015 Paris lived 3 days of terror due to the Charlies Hebdo attack, the Fontenay-aux-Roses and Montrouge shootings, and Porte the Vincennes hostage crisis. Here below are:
- The pictures was taken on the evening of January the 7th 2015, when more than 35000 people gathered spontaneously in Place de la République in Paris, not far from the offices of Charlie Hebdo
- The pictures was taken on January the 8th 2015 in rue Nicola-Appert, where the offices of Charlie Hedbo were located. After the attack, the street became a pilgrimage place with hundreds of people from everywhere meeting there just to leave a tribute to the victims
- The pictures was taken on January the 11th 2015 during the “marche républicaine” in Paris. Probably the biggest Unity march ever organized in France, with more than 2 million people taking the street
